The origin of the brand name, Collections Xaragua, comes from Haitian history. It is my way to pick everyone's curiosity so they can learn about Haiti, when it was called Hispaniola.
Before the slaves were brought to the country, Haiti was a peaceful and beautiful country, inhabited by the natives (called Indians by Christopher Colombus).
Before the slaves were brought to the country, Haiti was a peaceful and beautiful country, inhabited by the natives (called Indians by Christopher Colombus).
Xaragua was
one of 5 and the most popular and strongest of the chiefdoms of
Hispaniola, it was a chiefdom in which 2 of the most
influential caciques were a brother and sister, Behecchio and
Anacaona. Xaragua was in the southwest peninsula. They grew lots of cotton
here and also in the cul de sac, north of where Port‑au‑Prince lies today. It
was full of peaceful Tainos that were very peaceful but were killed due to
trickery and hate. When Bartolome ordered the abandonment of the previous
capital at Isabela in 1497 the then mayor, Francisco Roldan objected. He
marched against the fort at Concepcion de la Vega, intending to capture it and
take control of the northern goldfield. Unable to do so, he and his followers
fled across the central mountains and took refuge in Xaragua. Chief Behecchio
and Anacaona received them peaceably and granted them asylum. Now even though
Francisco Roldan was part of the problem the natives still accepted them, using
their arrival as a pretext to abandon the system of tribute that had been
imposed by the colonial government. When Columbus returned from Spain in summer
of 1498, he placated Roldan by authorizing him to attack the natives and divide
them among followers to use as forced laborers at the goldfields. Despite them giving him refuge, Roldan
followed orders and this action has become known as "repartimiento".
Nicolas de
Ovando, who succeeded Bobadilla in 1502, brought along 2,500 colonists,
including the first European families to arrive in the Americas. A thousand men
of these colonists are said to have died while prospecting for gold.
Others established farms, devoting them primarily to livestock, for Spanish
crops did not flourish. Ovando felt
it necessary to remove the threat to the new settlers that was posed by the
surviving hierarchies of caciques at either end of Hispaniola. He accomplished
this task by eliminating the principal caciques, first in the southeastern
chiefdom of Higuey and then in southwestern Xaragua. Behecchio's sister was
Anacaona, widow of Caonabo. After the Spanish killed Caonabo and Behecchio, she
became the main influence in Xaragua and was much loved by her people. However,
the Spanish were threatened by this popularity and the power that went with it
especially with a woman having such status which went against their beliefs and
ability to control the natives. They proceeded forcefully and with great
brutality. Soon after his arrival in 1502, the Higuey Indians rebelled to
avenge the killing on one of their chiefs by a Spanish attack dog. Ovando
rounded up six or seven hundred of them, put them in a chief’s bohio, or house,
and had them knifed to death. He then ordered their bodies to be dragged into
the adjoining plaza and publicly counted.
the fall of 1503, he paid another formal visit to Xaragua, where he was well
received by Anacaona. Ovando, a successor to Columbus, went to her village
under the pretext of collecting the Spanish tribute. Despite Anacaona's
instructions to the people to be fully cooperative and hospitable, and despite
her own friendly welcome, the Spanish began a slaughter, burned the village and
took Anacaona prisoner. She convened a meeting of some eighty-district chiefs
in her bohio, whereupon Ovando ordered his soldiers to block the door and burn
them alive. She was hung at Santo Domingo in deference to her rank. No reason
was given for these actions, which destroyed the last independent chiefdoms in
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